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Target Audience: Beginner Recipe: Implement uploading image to Firebase Storage on Flutter Native. Goal: In this code recipe, we'll pick an image from device camera or gallery and upload it to the Firebase Storage.Note: I'll be using Android emulator to demonstrate this code recipe. The camera functionality doesn't work in iOS simulator. You need an iOS device to use camera. Techlog is a Schlumberger owned Windows based software platform intended to aggregate all the wellbore information. It allows the user to interpret any log and core data. It addresses the need for a single platform able to support all the wellbore data and interpretation integration workflows, reducing the need for a multitude of highly specialized tools. 69.Techlog 地质力学插件Sand management使用技巧; 68.利用Techlog条形图显示X衍射数据; 67.Techlog多矿物反演模型组合实例; 66.Techlog中怎样设置色标显示; 65.你的电成像数据准备好了吗; 64.Techlog实时孔隙压力预测; 63.Techlog Drilling Interpretation(TDI)钻井实钻分析 Techlog处理STar过程及注意要点!拿来交流学习,共同提高! TechlogIan电成像处理培训. 李留中. 电话18699253088 qq66138992. 2015年5月 您的昵称 必填. 您的邮箱 选填. 您的网站 选填. 验证的码 必填,不填不让过哦,嘻嘻。 02/01/2017
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Well Logging Data Processing. TXT2WIS用于:在没装Forward的情况下,把txt格式的测井数据转换成wis格式.同时支持把txt格式的数据转换为las2.0格式.添加只能数据检查,可以快捷方便的修正txt文件中存在的数据错误。 提供techlog操作手册word文档在线阅读与免费下载,摘要:注意:井名和深度单位需要自己给,最好把copyallimagesintotheproject打上勾,然后加载即可。四、分层数据、岩心分析数据的加载如果包含中文字节需要保存为unicode文本,其他不包含中文字节保存为CSV格式加载即可,下面 Schlumberger Techlog 2013.3 Win64 1CD Techlog是基于功能强大的Platform平台之上的拥有一系列Application应用模块的软件,应用模块可以增加到平台中来适应特殊的需求和目标,平台模块是应用模块的基础,包含了很多工具包,针对大量的数据进行处理、显示、操作等,同时可以客户化平台。 Target Audience: Beginner Recipe: Persisting products data in local database using sqflite Flutter plugin. Focus Widget: Flutter plugin sqflite. Goal: In this recipe, we'll create, save, and retrieve two objects of custom data type, Product in the local sqlite database. We'll create two files for this recipe: User Interface-ecom.dart: User interface to load data from local database. Techlog培训视频01,是原创类高清视频,于2019-09-18上映。 m/techlog - Pilot and maintenance reports: As the basis for all technical evaluations in the web-assisted maintenance procedure, m/techlog documents and processes technical findings. Prepared by the cockpit crew or maintenance personnel, the defect reports are directly fed into the module.
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